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Singles That Mingle 20240501


Singles That Mingle

With Captain Stavros


Hermanos Gutierrez – Until We Meet Again

Sonido Cosmico Out June 14 Via Easy Eye Sound

A mellow one that’ll draw you in


Nadine Khouri – The Night Will Keep Us Warm

Excruciatingly slow build but she’s still got it.


Ora Cogan – Cowgirl

Formless Out May 31 Via Prism Tongue

Draws you in like an undertow.


Cassandra Jenkins – Only One

My Light, My Destroyer Out July 12 Via Dead Oceans

The sax in this plays out a lot like classic Destroyer. If you’re a fan of them, you’ll dig this, silky. P.S. we wrote this, funnily enough, before seeing the album’s title.


Tendertwin – Asking

Here’s your intro to newcomer, Tendertwin, one to keep your eye on.


Cigarettes After Sex – Dark Vacay

X’S’ LP Out July 12 Via Partisan Records

Still holding onto those smokey origin tones with a bit of something new, thumbs up from us.


Maquina – Desterro

Prata Out Now Via Fuzz Club

Noisy and energetic, get in there.


Girl and Girl – Oh Boy!

Call A Doctor Out May 24 Via Sub Pop

A feel good ditty.



Singles That Mingle 20240430


Singles That Mingle

With Captain Stavros

Lip Critic – In The WaWa (Convinced I Am A God)

Hex Dealer Out May 17 Via Partisan Records

Genre defiant, coming out triumphant.


Caleb Laundry Jones – Useless

Hey Gary, Hey Dawn Out Now Via Sacred Bones

Loving this slacker rock.


Friko – Chemical

Out Now Via ATO Records

The energy is infectious, breakout high-school battle of the bands winner vibes.


Jess Cornelius – Back To The Mainland

Care/Taking Out Now Via Tender Loving Empire Records.

A tune that not only carried our interest, but also cradled them.


Tommy – Losing Out

Out Now Via PIAS Records

Catchy pop, we’ll keep this one on our radar.


Lazy Day – Bright Yellow

Out Now Via Brace Yourself Records

Full disclosure, almost turned this one off, but instead switched tabs and it really grew on us fast. Don’t make the same mistake we -almost- made.


Porij – Ghost

Teething Out Now Via Play It Again Sam Records

One you’ll be Shazamin’


Aaron Frazer – Payback

Into The Blue Out June 28 Via Dead Oceans

Frighteningly catchy.





Singles That Mingle 20240403

Singles That Mingle

With Captain Stavros


The Reds, Pinks & Purples – What’s Going On With Everyday People

Unwishing Well Out April 12 Via Tough Love

Smooth sailing, for everyday people.


VR Sex – In Great Detail

Hard Copy Out Now Via Dais

There are at least three genres here we never thought would mash-up so well.


Chastity Belt – Laugh

Live Laugh Love Out Now Via Suicide Squeeze Records

Don’t let the horrible album title sway you; the tunes are pretty wavy.


Crumb – Amma

Amma Out May 17 Via Crumb Records

Weird and wonderful.


Slate – Remoter Heaven

Deathless Out May 17 Via Brace Yourself Records

Smoothy Groovy, moody tooty.


Kneecap – Fine Art

Fine Art Out June 15 Via Heavenly Recordings

It’s too bad these lot have blown up and are absolutely killing it because so many insufferables will be at their next string of live shows.


Ed Harcourt – El Magnifico

Great title, great track, great title track.


Sinkane – Come Together

We Belong Out Friday Via City Slang

Discoey and gooey, check-er-oooot.


Curses – Elegant Death

Another winner from the IDIB crew.


Max Blansjaar – Anna Madonna

Jangly and fun, something to shake that money maker to.


Magana – Break Free

Sure footed, lighthearted, tune.


Frog – RIP to the Empire Flea Market

Hop to it and get a listen-on.





The Runner (Film Review) at the Rio

When the darlings of dark wave, Boy Harsher, released their highly anticipated new cult banger ‘Tower’ around Halloween last year, we were given a rich cut, pulsing with deep and rebounding synthesized pangs from the start.  It pushed through our monitors like the flesh gun through the TV in Videodrome.  Seemingly, an unattainable high bar had been set. Then, two months later, ‘Give Me A Reason’ followed and soon no bar could be set high enough.  As The Runner OST trickled out, bits and pieces of Carpenter, Cronenburg and Lynch’s influences were omnipresent.  What then would become of the marriage between soundtrack and the ‘reckless...out of control...pure evil’ scenes splattered throughout The Runner? 

The film follows Kris Esfandiari (a tranced-out blood witch) as she flees a motel, leaving behind a mess that could double as an abattoir.  The destruction in her wake ruins the lives of everyone she crosses paths with in the backwoods of smalltown USA.  Twice she reaches out by telephone on her journey to The Desperate Man, but his pleas for her to return home ultimately go unanswered.  Literally, she doesn’t speak for her entire performance.  Through television screens (portals?) in the scenes, we’re connected to accompanying, and seemingly unrelated, content in the form of music videos.  Those, in turn, jarringly transition into Jae and Gus’ garage studio, where we get a candid peak behind the curtain to see how the sausage is made.  Between these brief life out-takes, the new music and the end credits where their actors revert back to their playful collaborative friends, are actually the only engaging content worth watching. 

In terms of a directorial debut, Jae and Gus’ The Runner is much in the same vein as Dali’s Un Chien Andalou.  It’s graphic and immaterial showcases ability but lacks enough compelling content to do much more.  Through a discombobulated 40 minutes, the film relies heavily on its strengths: locations, lighting, props, and set design.  Unfortunately, these strengths end up holding a mirror to the film's weaknesses, highlighting a stark contrast between stripped back, one dimensional characters uncertain of their place within the scene, outside of James Duval who nails his role as the host.  Transitional scenes, edited to look like VHS, loosely pull the viewer into a distorted and confusing semi-cohesive narrative, tethering us to the story via nostalgic anchor points rather than actual horror.  We’re given the store-brand when we’ve paid for the name-brand. 

The Runner tracks like the manifest content of a dream, plausible to the dreamer but a half-baked idea to the rest of us.  Themes of escape, fantasy, loss, discarded people are woven alongside semi-autobiographical tones throughout.  Ultimately, these divide the viewers' attention like someone toggling a light switch on-and-off again.  The Runner doesn't conform to a traditional storytelling structure but instead dips from nonsensical to semi-lucid, arriving then to a perceived reality repeating as directed.  Even classic horror tools, like a character disappearing off screen after meeting our protagonist, insinuating unspeakable violence, ultimately leave cerebral elements to atrophy.  In short, the film flirts but doesn’t commit to any one thing long enough to do it well enough.  A non-horror horror, lacking identity and the stamina to push through to an audience outside Boy Harsher fans, and even then, only just. 

If you, as die-hard Boy Harsher fans, decide to follow your heart into this film, the aforementioned noteworthy moments won’t let you down.  The new tunes seriously slap and the playful chemistry between Jae and Gus behind the scenes talking about their music and characters are genuine moments.  If you’re going in wanting to see a horror, or even a film, you will be let down, six feet underground.  Where The Runner unwittingly succeeds is teaching us that ultimately the heart can be a double agent. 

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