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Crocodiles - Boys

Album number five from the core duo of Brandon Welchez and Charles Rowell and things have taken on a slightly more psychedelic edge than before. Plus thankfully their dubious cover of 'U Sexy Thing' isn't included in the running order, however timely their rendition of it may now seem.

Opening with the Moon Duoesque 'Crybaby Demon' the pair get things off to a flying start as it zips along at a good lick that sets the tone for all that is to follow. 'Foolin' Around' is the first song to display that aforementioned psych tinge as it draws woozily to a close. straight up after that though we're into Black Lips territory with the sneering 'Do The Void'. Variety is the name of the game here as the boys communicate their sense of fun to whomever's tuned in at the right moment.

Orchestrated psych is the style utilised next on 'The Boy Is A Tramp' and about this point you begin to wonder just how many genres they're planning to master on Boys. Whilst the album's pace slows down a notch or two around the mid-point ('Blue' being a long drawn-out track reminiscent of movie scenes where the drunken central character's probably going to wind up minus his wallet come the morning) by the time you get through to 'Kool TV' the party atmosphere once again reasserts itself.

Boys then doesn't tinker with the band's formula to any great degree and there's plenty of evidence to show that there's no need for any kind of overhaul in the near future. A solidly enjoyable album from start to finish right from the off but one which also manages to comfortably grow on you with repeated plays. 

Boys is available from amazon & iTunes.

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