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Flossing @ The Oslo (Live Review)


The Oslo, London

Words & pics by Captain Stavros

Take everything you may think you know about Flossing and throw it out the window.  Bleeding gums, backpack kid dance, peacocking all of it.  Nothing is as it seems anymore, was it ever?  This article?  Not an article, more a sandwich of thoughts.  Flossing?  Not about hygiene any longer.  The Oslo isn’t even that Nordic place as far as we’re concerned, it’s a London PLACE!  Tie a waxy taped bow around your finger or you might just lose your mind and need to fetch the back-up.  We’re diving into a two-piece straight outta Brooklyn.

I’m 17 stories up above central L.  Watching a plane float by, presumably heading towards LCY, it could just as easily be heading into infinity along with my train of thought.  Either it, or I, are so close to each other that I feel I can swat it down.  I sort of want to.  Why the prelude?  Because spirits were even higher two stories up last Thursday watching Flossing slap the shit out of a set down at The Oslo.  Leaning against the bar, I nearly lean into J Dangerous of Italia 90, watching the game.  We chat about Flossing while waiting for the industrial and perforated dark duo to take the stage.  The bands are label mates and we learn in February, Italia 90’ll be cleaning up at the 100 Club.  More on that in February though.  Tonight, was about a should-be headliner.

Heather, A.K.A. Flossing, stepped out onto the stage just after 8:30 with a light-footed confidence soon followed by beats sparing no heft.  Although up until recently residing somewhere between a fill light and the spotlight (BODEGA/The Wants), a voice with a presence pierces through on this particular eve.  Their music, rhetoric, lifestyle, identity, and mantra is, in a word, EXPLOSIVE.  Elle’s got their boot heel on the neck of the fascists with a -cut the shit out- sound coming for you next.  Elle is all about getting between your bones and seeing what you pull out.  Feelings of frustration and yearning permeate the ominous-yet-buoyant, where she admits - “I am both scared of and intrigued by the deviant nature of man.

Although soundcheck goes well, the mic hasn’t gotten the message.  Completely unfazed, Heather weathers the glitch breathing life, along with a pulsing wail, into their mic.  The howls reverberate off the walls like a banshee.  Stunned, watching this, my thoughts scream there is something absolutely raw and fearless about a two piece on stage.  The last time we caught a two piece on this very stage was circa 2017 when Laura and Steven, A.K.A. Blood Red Shoes woke the entire East Side up with their set.  Tonight, Elle’s music hit the mark, blasting drums, synthesonic-sega-16 bit-mega-drive wrapped in a nod to Reznor, but although their performance shook the audience, something harder cut deeper, something intangible got inside me, begging for further investigation.

When ‘Switch’ dropped in 2021, it got a lot of recognition.  It also got heaps during their set.  What caught my ear was, “I won’t bite, but I like getting bitten every now and then. You’re a lot like me, do you see yourself inside me?”  During our deep dive, we came across some barnacles and a chin-wag from yesteryear; ‘I’m not attacking people, I am discovering who I am again. Confidence, or a lack there of, was a huge factor, it is for a lot of women, we are told to be quiet and demure and not be assertive or aggressive, and we have literally been bred this way. Any women who spoke out or revolted in the past were murdered or abused to the point of silence.”

Throughout the gig there was something deeply profound that resonated inside us that we couldn’t quite put our finger on.  Even a boring cis-dude like myself could pick up on the subtle subtext.  Yes, the music was awesome, the lyrics were a playful balance between comical, introspective, and murderous, and the drum-kit/bass combo absolutely smashed but there was more to it than that.  Watching Heather own that stage, having learned that less than three years ago they were gripped by major insecurities surrounding their identity, musical ambitions stunted in former male bandmate’s shadows, were owned seemingly seamlessly on stage nursing a budding and successful solo career, is nothing short of inspirational.  Watching Heather, Flossing, Elle shed the skin of her past life is uplifting in these bleakest, for some, of times.  Identifying with their struggles on a journey of personal development shouting, ‘I can do it, so can you!’  bridges the gap between us as people.  It helps you walk away from their performance, if only for a fleeting moment, as whole and energized with whisps of hope.  Flossing began their journey, solo, but now they’re far from alone anymore, and if you’re reading this, neither are you. Touring in the UK resumes in February 2023, don’t miss it.






Keg @The 100 Club (Live Review)


The 100 Club, London

Words and Pictures by Captain Stavros

12 years ago, I visited London on a lark.  Outside what used to be the Top Shop on Oxford Street, and is now I don’t care what, I saw what would be the weirdest and second most memorable instrument being played by a human being.  It was a comically large road cone, through which a rough sleeper was humming Christmas tunes.  Periodically, and without seemingly any pattern at all, he would stop humming.  Passers-by would drop loose change in front of him from time to time and he would start up again like a child’s novelty piggy-bank.  No one would ever know if the change was meant to buy his silence or encourage this budding young talent.  Fast-forward nearly 12 years to the day and the road cone would metamorphosis into a conch.

We’re probably getting a bit ahead of ourselves here though, let me introduce the subject in review.  Keg, the band, who’re spreading across the land like an inky liquid in water.  Probably a band, and an experience, best described using Trainline’s decade old commercial as a visual reference.  Completely bonkers and seemingly existing without purpose other than pure enjoyment.  It is the blusteriest day in recent memory at the foot of The 100 Club; a venue I’d always dreamt of going to but never quite found the opportunity to do so.  At the foot of the steps in a rather unassuming entrance, the stench of a million dropped pints wafts up from between rotten floorboards.  I get goose pimples instantly.  Finding my way into the belly of the beast, it’s better than I could ever imagine.  The layout is brilliant, bars on either end, huge stage in the middle.

I don’t want to over-sell Keg but they are probably the most exciting band I’ve seen live this year.  The last time I got this feeling was seeing Squid play in 2018 or ‘19 and thinking, ‘Wow, they’ve got my full attention’.  You can’t help but feel your eyes locked in when all seven members are on stage, of Keg I mean, mainly because they don’t allow you to look away.  If it’s not a trumpet trumpeting precious millimetres from the audience’s eye socket holes, it’s a god damned conch being played.  Albert, vocals, meanwhile is breaking into downward facing dog, getting up and doing a rendition of Conan O’Brien’s String Dance.

The entire audience has, by this point, completely dissolved into something out of Lord of the Flies.  In other words, completely feral in an instant.  A mob rushes the stage and begins throwing themselves off it.  Next to me, a young man leaves the pit in a bloodied white t-shirt.  The woman next to me, in hysterics, has completely lost her mind and helps drive the spell we’re all under by constantly yelling ‘TAKE OFF YOUR SHIRT’ in rhythmic intervals to, seemingly, no one at all.  Poor Piggy, our tether to a civilized society is unceremoniously severed but with so much pizazz!  You can’t help but feel a sense of endearment for a band with song titles like ‘Kids’ though, am I right?  Especially when it’s a bait and switch, “shitty kids, shit, shit kids”, rings out and over me like a ‘Wave of Mutilation’.

I was a fan of Keg before walking into this gig but I’m a fair-weather fan.  If you ain’t got the chops live, bvvvvvvvvrp, I’m gone buddy.  I was going nowhere fast this evening, in more ways than one!  These people in the crowd however, made up of half St Martin’s College, half indie sleaze, knew all the lyrics to every song and sung it back to them.  That’s commitment, they were diehard.  Keg hasn’t even released a full-length LP yet but still managed to play an hour set with a tease of Deep Purple’s ‘Smoke on the Water’, which would’ve fucking slayed as an encore in my opinion.

When I walked in, I went straight to the merch booth to get a shirt, which was almost impossible as no one was manning the booth.  I had to get Butch Kassidy’s Theon (also a dark horse to keep your eye on, reminds me a lot of Black Country New Road) to drag over Keg’s Will Wiffen (you can’t make this shit up, what a name!) for me to buy a shirt.  He seemed genuinely surprised I even wanted to do so, bless.  By the time the last song was played, lasting 10 minutes at least with plenty of indescribable insanity, the booth was overrun with new and old fans alike.  If you too feel like completely losing all inhibitions and having an absolute whale of a time, do not miss out.  Buy the ticket, take the ride.









Tan Cologne @ The Betsy Trotwood

Tan Cologne

@ The Betsy Trotwood

Words and pics by Captain Stavros

As the days inevitably melt away, the afternoon’s light begins dimming sooner with each passing moment.  After work, the darkness gains on me.  Sooner than I’d like, I’m bathed in the dusk’s light.  Today felt like the kind of day where you just wanted to pick a direction and ride off into it.  An excellent way to start a long weekend, to be sure.  The horizon might’ve been a sight to behold but in a crowded city that’s ‘back to normal’, when standing on the pavement near Faringdon, you’ve got zero chance of seeing that thin line where the earth meets the sky.  You might as well be in a pit.  Today felt like a pit day.  It was the pits.  When this happens from time to time, my mind wanders off.  Maybe even mentally rides off into the sunset and imagines what it’d be like to saddle up a steed setting out over New Mexico’s South-Western desert lands.

The crickets and the rust-beetles scuttled among the nettles of the sage thicket. "Vámonos, amigos,” he whispered, and threw the busted leather flintcraw over the loose weave of the saddlecock. And they rode on in the friscalating dusklight.”- Eli Cash, Old Custer (The Royal Tenenbaums, 2001).  There’d be no friscalating into the dusklight for me this evening, friends, because those dusty (and smog filled) winds were blowing this-a-way, back into town.  Riding high on them?  None other than Lauren and Marissa of Tan Cologne.

It’s my first time in the Trotwood; a seasoned gig space and, take it from me, it's a slide guitar's wet dream (don’t ask me how I know).  I make my way upstairs towards the swirling paisley of an oil disc projector. Its splashed patterns across the ceiling reminds me of that time I took mushrooms, far out.  Perched on my high stool by a bend of macaroni bar on the second storey of this rickety ole joint, tunes are slung out at us instead of drinks from behind it.  A curly haired DJ played jangly ukulele and twangy ditties, half white rabbit and half aloha, from a freshly operated knee connected to some cyborg apparatus.  She cross-faded one into the next and, as she did, her shirt sleeve rose just enough to expose a Beavis and Butthead tattoo.  As her last song started to fade out, it reminded me of summer going out along with it.  It just so happened to be the crispest day in recent memory.  Tan Cologne took the stage, and when they did, they blew in like a zephyr.

‘Cerro’ kicks off the set from their debut album Cave Vaults On The Moon In New Mexico.  An otherwordly slow-burner, gently keeping pace with the steady tap of a tambourine.  It brings you off world by witch-craft rather than a rocket.  Nodding, swaying, and chins akimbo, a hushed and captivated audience were led free of those pesky earthly constraints, like gravity.  ‘Topaz Wave’, a new one from the soon to be released album was dangled before us.  Its gentle guitars were strummed like twinkling stars.  It’s a weightless and airy collection of notes.

Gently drifting back towards Earth, one foot still in outer space and the other planted firmly in the desert, ‘Cave Vaults on the Moon in New Mexico’ marks the halfway point of the set.  It’s rather difficult to describe such an intimate gig with so many layers, textures, colours and shapes.  This must be how people with synesthesia feel talking to us norms.  Lauren and Marissa’s maracas play on cautiously like a rattler’s tail, fixing us to their arid New Mexico soundscape.

These desert poets hold our attention onstage where the walls join to make a corner.  The half mariachi, half siren band-mates knitt together rockabilly and country guitar in ‘Alien’ with a sound that reminds me of Holy Motors.  Collectively, the pair fill the cosy room with Oooooooooooo Aaaaaaaaaa.  Their velvety tones wrap around the audience like smoke and, once it cuts out, I realise I’ve been eavesdropping on the conversation at the table in front of me. ‘Really lovely, isn't it?'.  It is. I ’m uncertain any longer if I’m catching a dusty lounge act fresh from the sands of outer space or an ASMR podcast because I lost myself by the end of the set somewhere between a ‘Shell Grotto’ and the ‘Floating Gardens’.  Both new hits that swirl around their audience in silky whispered vocals, goose-pimple inspiring.

After their set, they each negotiate their way through a hungry audience waiting to feed off them with praise.  They’ll lift tiny moments to bring back home to their friends, where they’ll talk about when they met the band and got the CD to prove it.  I desperately practice a restraint I never knew myself capable of, for I too wanted to sit down and have a chat with the travelers.  An interview where I remained subjective instead of a gushing fan-boy but let’s face it, at this point, that was probably out of the question.  So, I left.  My last exit towards a destination unseen was London’s monolithic skyline.  This time the obstruction midway down the stairs was the band themselves, my own personal horizon.  I hear Marissa gleefully and with a chortle say, ‘yeah, where are our bikinis?’.  Of course, I have no idea what she’s talking about and really want to interject myself into this conversation’s completely based on its absurdity.  Instead, I think, of course you don’t realise the temperature’s no longer swimsuit friendly because you two have just lit this place ablaze.  See you next time, space cowgirls.








October and the Eyes At The Lexington (Live Review)


October and the Eyes

At The Lexington

Words and pics by Captain Stavros

A hole is a weird thing.  I mean, if you stop and think about it for a while.  The aperture is a thin membrane but with sharp and defined borders.  It can contain not only the speed of light itself but the amount of it.  Not only that but, usually, it’s a one-way trip.  Stare long enough into the abyss, amiright?  On August 18, by some mad twist of fortune, I’d soon be falling through the eyeholes of October and the Eyes.  I just didn’t know it yet.  Thanks in part to the tube and bus strike, for giving me a minute to myself, I’d been afforded a moment to filter through a backlog of e-mails.  I’d used the time to compose a massive Singles that Mingle post when I came across OATE latest single, ‘Tit Pic’.  Even before the track finished, I knew it’d make the list but what I didn’t know, until a few seconds from then, was that they were playing on this fateful eve and that I’d be there to witness it.  With all of my holes.  All of them.

The Lexington, from the get-go, has an electric energy as I step into it.  Everyone looks awesome.  Not so much runway/airbrushed versions of themselves, just interesting and kitsch.  I rock up to that huge slab of wood they call the bar and, with bravado, I am feeling myself*, order a pint of the black stuff.  Seems fitting.  The pint, in a glass, for under 5.50?  In LONDON?  What sort of sorcery was this!?  Oi, oi, off to a good start already.  Not skipping a beat, I skulkingly make my way up the long staircase to the stage where I’m greeted with a literal blast of cold air from an AC unit humming the tunes of the Tundra, whoo ha!  It would, in a few short moments, be more necessity than luxury as the very flames of hell would be summoned upon us.

*Not literally.

Through a dense darkness the colour of squid ink and the fog, artificial as it may be, emerges what David Bowie must’ve meant by The Spiders From Mars.  These long legged, platform booted, muscle bound pipe cleaners open their set by ‘Playing God’ both literally and figuratively!  I didn’t know what to expect but when I saw Aldous RH tuning up before the set, I knew we’d all be in for something nothing less than spectacular.  Drowning in heavily soaked, grungy chords and tribal drums, October’s sensational vocals rip through a packed and undulating audience a la Karen O.

The performance feels massively charged, like a powder keg ready to blow but it’s more than just explosive.  October, a woman possessed by the dark arts in a way that feels familiar to her, has made a home in the void, making friends of shadows.  What is it with New Zealander’s anyway?  There’s a Crucifix behind you!! Imagine Wednesday Addam’s laissez-faire attitude to the ghoulish and obscene.  Totally our scene!

About three quarters through the set, October announces she’s going to slow things down with a love song. She covers Nine Inch Nails’ ‘Closer’.  She swoops down the stage above me until she’s perched, spreading her arms wide screaming, ‘I WANT TO FUCK YOU LIKE AN ANIMAL’.  I can literally feel the heat radiate off her and all I can think to myself is, ‘It's a funny feeling being taken under the wing of a dragon. It's warmer than you'd think’ - Gangs of New York.

Shit gets witchy AF when ‘Spiral’, the penultimate song, is set loose upon us.  The few remaining lights on are snuffed out.  ‘UV’ is scrawled next to the song on the playlist and, when those blacklights came on, October’s contact- adorned peepers and fangs light up with an intense madness.  The set rounds off with a janky, and frankly anticlimactic, ‘All My Love’.  A great tune for introducing a spit and sawdust roadhouse and its cast of characters, in our opinion.

We’re absolutely floored after the set, by hole standards it was the blackest of supermassives.  It was a rolling feast for the eyes and ears, we haven’t even covered the giant two-person saw played with a bow throughout, Joey Sheet Noise’s most righteous DJ set(s) comprised of ‘80s grinders, and the entire audience which was a giant oozing pit.  I fucking loved it.  For a relatively new player, October definitely has her game on lock.  The best part?  You never know if you’re coming up for air through the light or falling deeper into its blackness.  Regardless, we’d gladly, time and time again, fall through the holes of her eyes.



I Experienced A Failure Show

Our dear friend and contributor, Dr. Sebastian Von Gekruldhaar, has sent another missive.  Here he records his latest excursion into cultural anthropology, featuring Failure in Toronto's Velvet Underground.

While in Toronto, Ontario a couple weekends ago for a conference concerning the human anthropological advancements and drawbacks within modern society, I was fortunately led astray for an evening.  So much of the day was taken up by lecturer after lecturer speaking on the positive effects us humans have had, and will continue to have, within our time on this fantastic planet.  It all became a redundant blur.  Clearly, an attempt to shine a light on the 'good news' of the day to comfort, when there is so much of the 'bad news' we are inundated with on a constant basis.  But I sought out to hear our shortcomings, our drawbacks, our failures.

I used the Google machine and searched "failure toronto" which resulted in an event at The Velvet Underground on the Sunday night.  Arrival for 7:30.  A brief documentary at 8:30, then followed by what appeared to be three gentlemen and a discussion on the topic of "Failure".  I hastily purchased a ticket and arrived in proper time.  While standing in line, I noticed the age of the crowd's attendants varied.  Some older than myself, well into their 50s, and with some as young adults.  Some even wore shirts that said "Failure" on them.  I postulated the three men must have some very unique insights on the topic of Failure because they clearly have a loyal following.

After walking into the venue, clearly named after Michael Leigh's 1963 paperback release (which gave me pause in case of unwarranted sexual perversions), the room was unconventional for a lecture.  There were musical instruments on stage, perhaps for a house band dedicated to the venue.  I purchased a spirit from the tattooed barkeep, a Roku Koori Negroni to be exact, and walked to the brick wall, waiting for our documentary viewing to begin before the host lecturers.

The documentary began with a young girl singing a sweet, lullaby-type melody with her acoustic guitar.  I thought this was an odd way to begin the viewing, but I figured the context would make itself apparent later on.

Which it did - but not in the context I was hoping for.  And I realized the night's event would be absence of a lecture, but presence of a rock and roll band.  A band named Failure.  How foolish I was!  How my research with the Google machine failed me!  How I mentally kicked myself for being too easily led astray!  I felt too embarrassed to leave after purchasing the ticket for admittance.  Do I regret staying?

No. No. No.

Not one bit.

The evening only further developed my education in contemporary music, of which a fresh experience could only yield.

The documentary provided insight into this band Failure, testimonials by what appeared to be known fans and fellow musicians and actors.  I kept note of their names as best as possible.  Interviewees like a foul-mouthed Tommy Lee spoke highly of their beginnings; a garbage person by the name of Butch Vig said how he still listens to the band's 1996 album "Fantastic Planet" in its entirety to this day; a tradesperson named Maynard spoke of his high regard and respect for the band, and praising the co-main songwriter Gregory Edwards.  Other interviewees described their music as a "loud, dull roars", their dynamics of loud and quietness, with sounds from a distant galaxy beaming to Earth embossed within the music.  But the drawback and failing within the documentary viewing was how the three men fell into illegal drug habits.  Obviously, this would strain musical output and the relationships of the members within.  My later research showed an end to the band in 1997, but reformed in 2014.  The long break between in the band's activity was reflected in my observation of the vast range of the attendants ages.  What appeared was a band, not quite well-known, but highly respected and maintained interest in the public discourse enough to garner not one, but perhaps two new generations of fans and followers.  "There must be something special here", I thought, "and I must seek it out".  The documentary viewing then ended but transitioned to an animated episode called "Space Madness" from the show "Ren & Stimpy".  Yes, something special must be here from this band Failure, even within the context of the disturbingly, unrealistic animation of domesticated, anthropomorphic animals in outer space.

As the cartoon was resolving its story, the band members entered the stage to much applause.  Then as the video quickly faded to black, then band did not so much punch into the first song, but sonically blasted into their opening song which I later found out is titled Submarines, from their latest record "Wild Type Droid" (2021).  Standing further back from the stage, mid-crowd, not one body was still, heads and shoulders moved to Failure's deep rhythms and along with the drummer's pummeling, care of Kellii Scott.  It was not just the opening song, though.  Track after track, song after song, my fellow crowdmates were continuously enamored by the performance and celebratory at the conclusion of each song.

The second loudest applause of the evening was when the PA system for the Velvet Underground popped and shut off half way through Bad Translation.  The trio had to take a moment, the singer on stage right, Kenneth Andrews, was not impressed - but luckily, the venue patrons were.  Impressed that their performance over-powered the PA, as if the electronic system needed a breather.  Brief cries of disappointment followed with a slow clap to an erupting crowd-wide applause, cheering Failure back on.  Kenneth walked up to the microphone to declare "Let's do that from the beginning." We, the people, agreed.

After playing for an hour or so, engulfing every dead space in The Velvet Underground, Failure went back stage, only to play peekaboo, and return with thunderous applause and cheers.  Kenneth stated the band would play some "older stuff".  In retrospect, I have come to find that the last six songs performed are the quintessential definition of what makes this rock band special.  These were the last six tracks of that seminal masterpiece of an album, "Fantastic Planet".  The music itself was haunting, but caressing; orchestral grandiose, but through minimal instrumentation; moments of delusion and depression, offset with a glimmer of hope; other-worldly, but familiarly human.  This was defining work.  This was artistic expression.  There was a high I felt that night, only trying to replicate it in the two weeks since attending.  I have come up short, only to obsess in the relistening of those songs in commemoration of their performance, the crowd singing along to The Nurse Who Loved Me and Stuck On You.  We heard their story of hitting life's lows, only to see them on the other side, stronger from each of the members' own failures.

I found Failure that Sunday night.  And their anecdotal music was not the lecture I wanted, but the lecture we needed, cementing their special-ness.

Dr. Sebastian Von Gekruldhaar July, 2022


Ellie Bleach @ The Old Blue Last (Live Review)

Ellie Bleach

The Old Blue Last

Live review by Captain Stavros 

Brace yourself.  This next piece of advice isn’t for the faint of heart but if you’re willing to push the boat out on this one, go against popular opinion, and perhaps science/health and safety, you will not regret it.  You should immediately put bleach in your eyes, but don’t stop there, stuff your ears with it!  I would go so far as to say you should bathe yourself in bleach, if that’s a luxury that is available to you.  If you can still see the screen at this point and have made it to the ‘cautionary statement’* part of the review, we of course meant you should stuff your senses with Ellie Bleach.

Seated on a wobbly stool behind a set of keys, and in front of group of floppy haired man-boys in worn-out sneakers with equally worn-out trousers and shirts, is Ellie.  You wouldn’t know she was from London, by way of Essex, from her early release ‘Leave Me Alone’ in 2018, because she doesn’t sound English.  Since then, she’s perhaps not yet become a household name but has been popping up on the right underground radars (blows on nails, shining them on shirt).  A nettlesome Bleach looks out at us through ice blue eyes from the stage at the Old Blue Last.  Brown-slacked legs slide comfortably under the keys in well-worn loafers, the kind my Grandpa would always complain about losing.  Her set starts off with ‘Precious Feelings’ from her new EP No Elegant Way To Sell Out.

The gig is a mashup between a lounge act in casino residency clothing and somewhere along the lines of a cruise ship piano bar.  The music is easy to dip in and out of, great for a walk or a tube ride when you want to be left alone with your own thoughts where inevitably the lines blur between yours and hers.  Ellie is as effortlessly captivating as she is entertaining, following a well-rehearsed pace that is unhurried but with a confident stride.  Bleach’s seasoned crowd engagement and banter balances well with her music’s dark and playful affectation.  One moment she’s flirting with us, batting eyelashes over her shoulder, the next she’s talking about stabbing frat boys in Manhattan.  It’s all in jest, one hopes, however and secretly we believe we’ll never peel away all the layers to see what lies beneath, having to settle for seeing what we’re shown.

Lyrically, Ellie is as acidulous as she is expository, “your search is through/you’ve finally found a girl that’s smarter than you” from her last single ‘Big Strong Man’ sings the unspoken.  I’m particularly attracted to the unconventional approach to, or at times even sidestepping, a chorus.  The music’s not trying to hypnotize with repetition, she’s telling her story and we’re very interested in listening.  ‘Doing Really Well, Thanks’ closes out the set and is a great example of her signature style.  The contrast between the music, jaunty keys with Bleach’s bouncing legs beneath the keys coupled with fuzzy guitar and bass, marries up nicely to the lyrics, “I've done awful things for money, but you've all done worse for free”.  Not exactly accusatory but food for thought nonetheless.

The announcement of her aforementioned last track was met with a chorus of soft boos, myself included.  Could we be blamed for wanting more?  Ellie, adopting a mocked hurt tone, asks us not to boo her.  After her set, the only thing louder than the demands for more was a resounding “NO!” booming into the mic and over the crowd as attempts to coax and cajole an encore fall on deaf ears (probably literally).  “You’ll speak when spoken to” finishes the set; I’m chiding myself for only thinking of yelling out “yes, mistress!” in hindsight.  On our way to a frozen margarita nightcap, the glass sweating in our hands on a warm summer night we spoke about what we’d seen and heard. Summed up? Kooky vibes, quite cool though, seems like a normal person, maybe relatable is a better way to put it.  If you missed this show, throw a follow on the socials (@bleachellie) to catch the next gig.  Wish her a belated happy birthday while you’re at it too.

*Stuffing bleach into your eye and earholes may be injurious to your health (Marky-Ed.)


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